Alone I Stand

You’ve shot my father,
You’ve hung my mother,
Raped my older sister,
Physically abused my brother,
Me!? you made me suffer,
Made me behold and watch my family give up their soul,
Shivering from the cold, no mother to hold,
”You never had a father” I have been told,
Sometimes in my dreams I picture, the horrible things I’ve captured,
Images of my sister crying “God, help me!”
Visualizing mother looking at me hopelessly,
Years have past, but I live life like today is my last,
Why oh why I’ve asked and answer had never been passed,
Always been the child of outcast, I’ve meant to outlast my family,
So I let myself live in life of misery,
Can’t erase those memories, I’ve gained through my history,
So I say it was my destiny, that meant to be,
Hopefully God has written other plans for me

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